• Sat. Sep 7th, 2024


Worldwide Gastronomy Habits & Trends

Daria Malinowska

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  • Warm ice cream: a Polish hack for eating ice cream all year round

Warm ice cream: a Polish hack for eating ice cream all year round

The Polish-Italian food feud saga continues. We came for their pizza, pasta… And now, it’s time for gelato (and ice cream in general). Because who doesn’t like ice cream? To…

Polish andruty, wafers so thin that they almost taste like sweet air

What are they? Andruty (andruts in English) are Polish disc-shaped wafers. They are crunchy, slightly sweet, and almost as thin as a single sheet of paper. They may remind you…

Is it food, or…? Let’s discover the imam fainted, bubble and squeak, and rumbledethumps

Humans have an ingrained desire to name things and to be named. Maybe it gives us power, or maybe our brains just like labeling because it enables the information to…

50 shades of blue cheese: from soft and buttery to crumbly and rich

Cheese, who doesn’t like it? There are such people, it turns out, especially when we enter the “blue” territory. And since today is a blue Monday, it is a must.…

Delicious dessert or a venereal disease: let’s discover British spotted dick

Spotted what? I can already imagine the scandalized faces of our readers. No, not that. In Great Britain, Spotted Dick is actually a scrumptious traditional pudding dotted with currants and…

Kabanos: what’s inside the snappy thin smoked sausage from Poland | History and contested origins

It is like a Slim Jim but of better quality. You can take it with you on trips, serve it for breakfast, and use it in dinner dishes. What am…

Hauskyjza: Polish rotten tvorog with a smell that brings all the neighbors to the yard | History and recipe

Stinky cheese. The kind your parents or grandparents ate while assuring you that it is an acquired taste and you’ll love it when you grow up. The kind everyone imagines…

Krówki: Polish gooey milk fudge candy guaranteed to boost your MOOd

Krówki – it is very likely that there is not a single Polish person who avoided tasting them at least once in their lives. Those little fudge pieces have accompanied…

International New Year’s Eve dishes to make the force be with you

It’s New Year’s Eve, people! During this time, we tend to hope that our wishes and dreams will come true and that everything will be better in the next year.…

All about Ptasie Mleczko, sweet Polish pieces of heaven worth sinning for

Have you ever wanted to taste the clouds? In Poland, you may find a candy considered a worthy substitute. Ptasie mleczko is probably one of the most iconic creations from…